A Toolbox for all Language Educators
A Toolbox for all Language Educators

Student Conference

It may seem to your students that their language class has no connection to their other classes. Unless they’re studying linguistics or world literature, they may approach language class as if it takes place in a vacuum. The following activity will encourage your students to make connections between the language course and their other courses and to recognize that the language is not limited to what is found in their textbooks. This activity will take a full class period and is great for any course above the 101 level.


Choose one of the papers you have worked on or are working on this semester for another class. You will present the topic and argument of your paper during a class conference. Resume the main ideas of your paper into a succinct 3-4 minute presentation. Avoid too much specialized jargon and try to express yourself in a way your classmates will be able to understand. If you need to use technical terms or new words, explain their meanings. Presentations will be divided according to discipline: science, literature, history, psychology, politics, etc. You can present on anything and I will find you a panel.

You must show your written presentation to one of the tutors so that they can help you identify and avoid mistakes. The tutor can also help you find a way to express a new concept. You must also practice your presentation at home and time yourself to ensure that it is between 3-4 minutes.


Below you’ll find the assignment in French.

C’est l’occasion de partager un des devoirs que vous écrivez pour un autre cours.

Vous allez résumer le sujet de votre thèse en français. Vous aurez 3-4 minutes pour nous dire de quoi s’agit votre rédaction.

Evitez un jargon trop spécialisé. Essayez de résumer dans des termes que nous pouvons comprendre. Si vous avez besoin de mots techniques, expliquez-les.

Je vais vous organiser par domaine : sciences, littérature, histoire, psychologie, politique, etc. Vous pouvez présenter n’importe quel sujet. Je vais vous trouver un panel. Pour cette raison, s’il vous plaît, m’envoyez vos sujets avant le 25 mars. Vous êtes obligé de faire lire votre présentation à un tuteur avant de la présenter. Vous êtes aussi obligé de répéter votre présentation à la maison et de vous assurer du minitage (3-4 min.).

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